Grails Presentation Thursday Evening Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Grails presentation Thursday evening went very well. Weiqi Gao blogged about the presentation in real time.

The presentation slides are available at The tone of the whole session was very light and fun. You will see in the notes that I included quotes about Grails from famous people such as John Lennon, Mr. T, Batman and Robin and even Elvis Presley. Each time a celebrity came up in the slides I asked a trivia question about that celebrity and the first person to shout out the correct answer was given a copy of the Groovy In Action MEAP, courtesy of Manning Publishing. Thanks to Manning for those.

There are not many code samples in the presentation slides. During the presentation I built a simple application and along the way applied the concepts that are mentioned in the notes.

Before the presentation there was some discussion among the group about the future of Java and a lot of people in the group agreed that dynamic languages are going to be an important part of what we do in the future.